Fast function key shows the decided at the higher level but not officially announced of MasterCAM

  • Time:
  • Click:117
  • source:DELENO CNC Machining
Act of firebug of Alt+F1= of F1= window enlarge changes F2= reply to magnify moderately or contractible half Alt+F2= narrows 0.

The Alt+F4= of coordinate F4= analysis of position of indication cursor of Alt+F3= of repaint of 8 times F3= leaves MasterCAMF5= to delete Alt+F5= to delete the graph element F6= inside window the data Alt+F9= that Alt+F7= of archives F7= nap conceals F9= of program of system of F8= plot Alt+F8= to show firebug act to go up shows coordinate axis F10= is listed and allThe function that has key of function clavier direction at any time is as follows: PageUp: of ↓ of → of ↑ ← translation? Glutinous Zuo AgeDown: ? Barefooteding  Nd: ? Far   ? CNC Milling